Thursday, January 26, 2012

Running on snowshoes, check it out!

Do you really like jogging, yet find it difficult to get outdoors and brave the winter elements? It can be challenging to get outdoors for a jog once the temps are less than zero, the unforgiving wind gusts tend to be chilling you to the bone, and the avenues are coated with ice.  It could be perilous out there. If you slip and crash on the ice, there's a chance you could be hurt and away from the running game for a long period of time. Even if you do not fall, when you're constantly slipping and sliding about, perhaps even slightly, it agitates and pulls at your muscles and ligaments. Along with all this extra tension, although perhaps unnoticeable on your jog, it may ultimately result in injury.

You can attempt to lace up the running sneakers and get outside on your daily jog. Will it be seriously worth the chance? You decide you may as well simply stay in and hop on a running machine or drop by a health club. Is this what you want though... being trapped indoors on the warm as well as muggy treadmill, stuck in the exact same spot the entire run, watching the the statistics advance a single tenth of a kilometer at a time? Or, would you prefer to be outdoors savoring mother nature together with all of her magnificence?  Freed from the dullness of the running machine and out in the open discovering the world!

Maybe you ought to consider giving snowshoe running a try! Outdoors you can discover the beautiful paths and trees coated in a white, frosted covering of snowfall. When you're out there in the forest, you're sheltered from the bone chilling wind... sheltered by the trees. You have the additional padding from the compacted snow below your feet. While you're on running snowshoes, the grip is way better compared to your slick running shoes on the glare ice. Regardless of whether the trail becomes somewhat slippery in places, racing snowshoes have metal spikes on the underside (crampons) to help keep you on your feet.

Do you miss the springtime, summertime, and autumn racing seasons throughout the winter season? Don't fret, you don't have to miss out any more! There are plenty of snowshoe events all over the Country and around the world.  You can discover competitive events any place from Minnesota to Colorado or from Quebec to France.

Therefore, if you wish to escape the indoors and enjoy the winter months, have a great time, and stay in good condition, you should think about purchasing a set of running snowshoes. Some of the best racing snowshoe brands include Atlas, Easton, Tubbs, Dion, Redfeather, TSL, and MSR.  Get out and enjoy the wintertime!

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